Why Some Teams Are Smarter Than Others (NY TIMES article)

A recent New York Times article reviews research on effective teamwork, concluding that two main factors distinguish effective teams from failures: effective communication, and social trust. Effective communication means everyone being able to get their ideas out, and heard, but not necessarily agreeing. A pre-requisite is the building of social trust, or the feeling that Read more about Why Some Teams Are Smarter Than Others (NY TIMES article)[…]

Collaborative Games for the Less Than Enthusiastic Team Learner

I have been thinking a lot about implementing a team element to the third unit of my Comp I classes this semester, and I am feeling excited about it, but I am also feeling a little uncomfortable and hesitant. As a student, I never enjoyed doing group work or projects. It wasn’t so much the Read more about Collaborative Games for the Less Than Enthusiastic Team Learner[…]

Team Learning: A Halo 2 Clan Story

My first experiences of online multiplayer gaming were dominated by Halo 2. This Xbox title was the most popular game of its time in my social circles. In fact, every single one of my friends either owned or played this game at some point during high school. My favorite aspects of Halo 2 were the teams and communities that … Continue reading Team Learning: A Halo 2 Clan Story

Announcing GOBLIN: goblin.keeganslw.net

Games Offer Bold Learning Insights Nowadays (GOBLIN) is an interactive adventure game that is, first and foremost, a vehicle to experientially teach pedagogical concepts. In other words, GOBLIN aims to synergistically combine professional development, storytelling, and a role-playing game into a memorable, engaging learning experience for instructors. Over the course of GOBLIN, topics ranging from scaffolding and overcoming failure … Continue reading Announcing GOBLIN: goblin.keeganslw.net